Som noen kanskje har fått med seg har politiet tatt ut tiltale mot to personer for å ha lurt en robot. Den uheldige roboten eies av det uten...
Commercial web scanners and the word "suck"
I had an interesting debate on a public mailing list today. It might have started with me casually claiming that commercial scanners are ...
On designing UIs for non-robots
In a typical, attentive human subject, the usual latency between a visual stimulus and a voluntary motor response is between 100 and 300 mil...
BP, oljekatastrofer og risikospredning
Oljefondet har fått mye ufortjent kritikk for sin eksponering mot det brittiske oljeselskapet BP i etterkant av oljekatastrofen i Mexicogulf...
Cookies v. The People
For some reason, The Wall Street Journal launched a new, large-scale offensive on web cookies - and decided to focus on the purported malic...
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