Oljeprisen er nå over 110 dollar fatet. De fleste vil peke på uroen i Midtøsten og Nord-Afrika som hovedårsak. Mye tyder imidlertid på at de...
Pwn2own considered (somewhat) harmful
I think that hacking challenges and bug bounty programs can be extremely valuable. This is true when they involve transparent, sustained eff...
A note on an MHTML vulnerability
There is an ongoing discussion about a recently disclosed, public vulnerability in Microsoft Internet Explorer, and its significance to web...
The other reason to beware ExternalInterface.call()
Adobe Flash has a function called ExternalInterface.call(...) , which implements a JavaScript bridge to the hosting page. It takes two param...
Warning: OBJECT and EMBED are inherently unsafe
Let's say that you maintain an online discussion forum. Assuming that you explicitly specify the type= parameter in your <object>...
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