I would like to follow up on my earlier post: NGDP Targeting in an OLG Model . The purpose of that post was to evaluate the desirability of ...
European Bond Yields
It is a fascinating picture (h/t Frances Wooley at WCI ): Frances asks "what were they thinking?" It seems clear enough that with ...
Ny interaktiv innføringsbok i finans - “DoIT Finans”
Jeg og min kollega Bernt Bertheussen har skrevet en ny innføringsbok i finans og prosjektanalyse. Boken er skrevet på en så enkel og kortfat...
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Oh, you're welcome. (Yeah, I made these.)
NGDP targeting in an OLG model
I'm still trying to work through this NGDP targeting idea. A lot of people graciously replied to my earlier query here , including David...
Feynman on the Scientific Method
A colleague of mine recently pointed me to this fantastic lecture by Richard Feynman (1918-1988) explaining his take on the scientific met...
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