In my previous post , I reported on the remarkably different trajectories that consumption and investment have taken in Japan since the Asia...
Fortsatt dyr fotballopsjon
Førsteamanuensis Helge A.L Nordahl kommer med interessant kritikk av min kronikk om hvordan opsjonen som Vålerenga kjøpte på Herman Stengel...
Beregn din egen Stengelopsjon!
Her er et regneark som gjør at du selv kan beregne verdien av en Stengel-opsjon med dine egne forutsetninger. Regnearket inneholder en makro...
Dyr fotballopsjon
Asker og Bærum tingrett frikjente i forrige uke de fire tiltalte i Gunnarsson-saken. Dommen baserer seg at fire millioner var en grei pris ...
What's up with Japan? (G, evidently)
There is a very interesting monetary policy experiment happening in Japan these days. The outcome of the project will surely be discussed in...
Confessions of a rehypothecating fractional reserve banker
I've been trying to wrap my mind around the new 4-letter-word in finance: rehypothecation . I found out that it seems to be related to a...
Like a Good Neighbor: Evan Koenig on NGDP targeting
Bill Woolsey points me to a nice paper by Evan Koenig that provides a theoretical foundation for NGDP targeting: Like a Good Neighbor . I l...
NGDP targeting and the Taylor Rule
Chris Waller pointed out to me this morning that the NGDP target is formally equivalent to a special case of the Taylor rule. (Maybe this i...
The magic fairy NGDP wand
It's been a good day of blogging. And it seems like the day has not ended yet. Scott Sumner posts his most recent reply to me here: Seco...
A reply to Sumner
I figured that my previous post might stimulate an interesting debate on the relative merits of NGDP targeting. So far, I've only heard ...
U.S. price-level dynamics
Since some measure of "price-level stability" constitutes one half of the Fed's dual mandate, I thought it might be of some in...
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