I've long been interested in the apparent cyclical asymmetry in business fluctuations. So it's nice to see Paul Krugman publicize th...
In gold we trust?
I've written before that a desirable property of a monetary instrument is for it to hold its value over short periods of time (See: Why ...
Konkurransetilsynet bør si nei
Ica og Norgesgruppen ønsker felles innkjøpssamarbeid, men nå har konkurransetilsynet utsatt vedtaket. Det enkleste hadde vært å si nei med e...
Labor Force Participation Gaps (U.S. vs. Canada)
This post is meant as a complement to my earlier posts: [1] Employment Gaps , [2] Employment Slumps in Canada and the U.S. , and [3] U.S. La...
U.S. Labor Force Participation Rate on Trend?
The labor force participation rate (LPR) is defined as the share of the civilian noninstitutionalized that is employed (working) or unemploy...
Ingen meravkastning
Regjeringsskiftet har blåst liv i debatten om hvordan oljefondet skal forvaltes. Signaler fra FrP tyder på at regjeringen kanskje ønsker mer...
Is QE lowering the rate of inflation?
The answer may be "yes," according to a new paper by Steve Williamson. In examining the effects of a QE experiment in his model e...
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