I made a very explicit, pragmatic design decision with afl-fuzz : for performance and reliability reasons, I did not want to get into stati...
Bitcoiners: Surely we can do Buiter than this?
Willem Buiter has a very nice piece critiquing the Swiss Gold Initiative; see here . Unfortunately, Buiter starts talking about Bitcoin, mak...
afl-fuzz: crash exploration mode
One of the most labor-intensive portions of any fuzzing project is the work needed to determine if a particular crash poses a security risk....
Japan: Some Perspective
So Japan is in recession . And it's all so unexpected. Ring the alarm bells! Well, hold on for a moment. Take a look at the following d...
Roger Farmer on labor market clearing.
While I'm a huge fan of Roger Farmer's work, I think he gets this one a little wrong: Repeat After Me: The Quantity of Labor Deman...
Kunsten å velge tall som passer
Det finnes ikke grunnlag for å hevde at Statlige selskaper vil gi bedre avkastning enn oljefondet. Av ukjent grunn hevder likevel arbeiderb...
Exploitation modelling matters more than we think
Our own Krzysztof Kotowicz put together a pretty neat site called the Bughunter University . The first part of the site deals with some of ...
A dirty little secret
Shhh...I told you *nothing!* There's been a lot of talk lately about the so-called "Neo-Fisherite" proposition that higher n...
Pulling JPEGs out of thin air
This is an interesting demonstration of the capabilities of afl ; I was actually pretty surprised that it worked! $ mkdir in_dir $ echo ...
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