- 1 - Poland is an ancient country whose history is deeply intertwined with that of the western civilization. In its glory days, the Polish-...
Statens Pensjonsfond Utkant
Senterpartiet ønsker å hente forvaltningen av Oljefondet hjem. Deler av fondet skal splittes opp og forvaltes i miljøer utenfor Oslo. Frp ha...
The "Audit" the Fed Crowd
Alex Pollock says that It's High Time to "Audit" the Federal Reserve . I'm glad to see that this headline puts the word ...
Bitcoin - The Basics
Bitcoin - A Brave New World History will record that we are living through a period of unprecedented economic and social change on a global ...
Another round of image bugs: PNG and JPEG XR
Today's release of MS15-024 and MS15-029 addresses two more image-related memory disclosure vulnerabilities in Internet Explorer - th...
Involuntary Labor Market Choices?
My pal Roger Farmer has a lot of good ideas, but he doesn't always use the best language to express them. In a recent post , for example...
Lifting Off...Sooner or Later
From Barron's yesterday we have this lovely headline: Two Fed Presidents Contradict Each Other on Same Day . From the dovish corner, Cha...
Heller ikke IR gir meravkastning
Information Ratio (IR) slik det defineres av Oljefondet viser også at fondet ikke har levert meravkastning. Dersom meravkastningen utelukk...
Ingen ekstragevinst for Oljefondet
Petter Berge og Jarle Sjo kommenterer i DN 25. februar mine uttalelser i avisen om passiv forvaltning. Oljefondets meravkastning på 0,26 pro...
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