John Cochrane has another fun and provocative post making his pitch for equity-financed banking. He makes a lot of great points. But I'...
Clearing up some misconceptions around the "ImageTragick" bug
The recent, highly publicized "ImageTragick" vulnerability had countless web developers scrambling to fix a remote code execution...
Oljefondets nye stjernelag
Oljefondet gjør en fantastisk jobb med indeksfondet sitt. Hvorfor gjør ikke fondet mer av det de lykkes med? Det viser seg altså at fondets ...
Why the Blockchain should be familiar to you
From L2R: Michael Casey (MIT Media Lab), David Andolfatto (FRB SL), Simon Johnson (MIT) and John Schindler (FSB) I'm freshly returned fr...
On Cochrane's dream of equity-financing banking
John Cochrane has a dream where the banking sector is financed entirely with equity. The dream is premised on the notion that debt-financed...
Monetary policy implications of blockchain technology
As I'll be at Consensus 2016 event speaking in a session on "Digital Cash for Central Banks" (agenda available here ), I thou...
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